Thor Spoilercast

by on May.04, 2011, under Avengers, Podcasts, Spoilercast


Milday, wouldst thou join me in listening to a podcast?

What madness is this!!? A second podcast within  a single week!? Well Gavin and I couldn’t let Thor pass without  having a no hold barred, cage match discussion of the film, the plot, the characters, the effects,  character arcs, who lives, who dies, everything!

Hence we bring you our first separate SPOILERcast. If you’ve not seen Thor yet then we recommend that you DO NOT listen to this podcast until after you have seen it, lest you ruin your viewing pleasaure.

Once you have seen Thor  relive the movie with us and let us know what you think of Asgard’s mightiest by emailing us at or sending us your comments via the form available at the “contact us” link above (or click here )

Enjoy the show!


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