Tag: Pauly Shore

Malaysia Games and Comics Convention

by on Jun.04, 2012, under Podcasts

It’s not often that we’re wrong here at McYapandFries, and it’s even less often that we apologise for anything, but we are idiots on a regular basis, which is a roundabout way of saying that on last week’s cast we totally forgot to review the Malaysian Games and Comics Convention, which a certain Mr Gavin Yap presided over as head minion, a week prior.

This week’s show kicks off with our attempt at rectifying this grievous error, before we then proceed to make a whole bunch of new ones reviewing Snow White and the Hunstman; starring Kirsten Stewart, Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth, reviewing super-powered “found footage” flick Chronicle, and while discussing the merits of a possible Pauly Shore comeback, Spaced (AGAIN!), Cannes, and venerable old 2000AD.

We hope you like the show

As usual here’s the show notes those of you reading along at home:


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